

Beauty Masks with Garden Products - Cucumber What could be better than using the vegetables we find in our garden (for the lucky ones) or in our refrigerator to create excellent beauty masks at home? In this way we will enjoy the healthy benefits for our skin of natural, genuine, 0 km products, avoiding the harmful consequences of chemical products so widespread on the market. Numerous very effective beauty masks can be obtained with vegetables. First of all that with Cucumber. To make it directly at home we simply have to blend the Cucumber with water and apply the mixture obtained on our face for ten minutes. It is a moisturizing mask, thanks to the high water content of this vegetable, perfect for fighting blackheads and pimples. A spoonful of yogurt can be added to the blended Cucumber, thus obtaining an exfoliating mask, or to tone the skin you can add a teaspoon of honey or aloe vera. After the indicated time the mask must be removed with warm water.    

The Campaign, What a Wonder - A solution to the stress of everyday life is certainly to attend the Campaign whenever possible, certain of the multiple benefits that this entails. First of all, in the countryside you are surrounded by nature, food is healthier, without all the chemical preservatives imposed by large retailers. You benefit from the silence that dominates the open spaces that ensures mental relaxation, while the total absence of atmospheric and acoustic pollution guarantees an improvement in health. Children can run happily, climb trees and play in the company of the animals present: each time it will be a different adventure for them. Nowadays being able to spend a few days, weekends or even longer periods in the countryside is not at all difficult nor expensive. There are thousands of farmhouses, B & Bs and structures of all kinds throughout the country that can make us savor the taste of life in the open air according to the customs and rhythms of the past. Even renting a house for those who decide to spend more or less long periods of vacation there is definitely inexpensive when compared to areas such as the sea, the mountains or lakes. The famous Back to Nature makes us discover aspects of our character and abilities that would otherwise remain unexplored. We will learn Respect for everything that surrounds us and certainly above all else, we will learn to appreciate life by savoring it minute by minute, calmly, having the opportunity to reflect thanks to the feeling of peace and tranquility that will pervade us. Spending more or less long periods in the countryside is definitely for us a Sempreunagioia® behavior that we recommend to all of you.    

The Mountain: A Real Show! During a good part of the year we are very often forced to stay indoors such as the office, disposing of bureaucratic and boring practices. But then comes the weekend and / or the holidays and finally we can dedicate some time to ourselves and our hobbies, being outdoors and enjoying nature. We can finally leave, abandoning the cities, towards the mountain where we will find wonderful relaxing landscapes, clean air and our mind will be able to relax from stress. Walking in the mountains is physically demanding, however as the altitude increases we will find that we are in a good mood, satisfied and full of energy. Our body will surprise us by revealing unexpected reserves of energy and muscle pains will have the kindness to manifest themselves only the next day. Furthermore, we will be able to admire the flora and fauna in their natural state and all this will make us feel that we are an integral part of an interconnected Whole. Our self-esteem will increase because we can proceed by setting ourselves goals. Decide what our goals are and happily reach them, while chatting with our fellow adventurers. To all this, of course, we will add the stops in the huts which in any season represent a tempting opportunity to consume typical and very tasty food. How about? Do we need to add something else or have we already convinced you about this Sempreunagioia® experience? Good fun!  

The Sea and the Sand, Real Panacea In the middle of summer, what could be better than taking a dip in the sea? In addition to the guaranteed fun, the water of the sea has significant benefits for our health. Rich in iron, sulfur, iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, fluorine, sodium chloride, it has a draining as well as purifying action on the skin, freeing it from excess fluids and impurities. Sea water is very important for stimulating blood circulation, fighting cellulite and helping to heal skin wounds. Moreover, thanks to the presence of mineral salts, and in particular iodine, it offers significant benefits for breathing, so it is a real panacea for those suffering from asthma, cough and respiratory diseases. The sea water relaxes the muscles giving relief to those suffering from rheumatism or pain in the bones and joints. Last but not least, the sea gives serenity to the mind and in particular its waves create negative ions that stimulate the secretion of endorphins and serotonin, at the basis of good mood. As if that weren't enough, to all these properties of the sea, we add those of the sand that offers a natural scrub for the skin. Those who prefer to sit directly on the shore will get a beneficial hydromassage for the legs, or the barefoot walks on the shoreline are definitely recommended in order to offer relief to our feet, always forced to bear the weight of our body. If we combine all this with the pleasure of the sun's rays to which we must undergo with due caution ... what more can we ask for? We can safely say that this is absolutely a Sempreunagioia® experience! Don't you agree with us? Good fun!  

Sing as much as you can! Singing is Sempreunagioia®! Sing as often as you can, even if you're out of tune it doesn't matter. Sing out loud, sing your Joy, your Happiness, your Love and you will feel Merry, Serene and Happy once more.

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