Articles & Publications


Each week we publish an Article through which we examine the various aspects of our Philosophy. We speak of Love, of Phobias and Fears, of Masochism, of our Limits, of Absolutism, of Action and Immobility, Comparison, Good and Evil, Freedom, Anxiety, Happiness, Envy and Jealousy, Resilience, Negative and Positive Thoughts, Respect . Enthusiasm and much more and we like to talk to you that you can write to our e-mails.

The Articles, Thoughts and Slogans that we publish can be found on this Page. When you want to discuss with us, on Positive Thinking, we will be happy to do it in person, verbally or in writing.

A hug!

Sergio & Cinzia



"The Science of Joy - Exploring the Secrets to a Happy Life" is an engaging journey in search of happiness, masterfully written by Sergio Cosentino and Cinzia Scarpa. Through a unique combination of scientific wisdom and life experiences, the two Authors reveal practical and enlightening approaches to cultivating joy in every day...

Lemon, a food to discover

An Article by  Cinzia Scarpa

Watermelon, a multifaceted fruit

An Article by Cinzia Scarpa

ļ»æKiwi: a berry full of properties

An Article by Cinzia Scarpa

Habit of Negative Thoughts - A road to anxiety and the depression

The pessimism and Negative Thinking that very often lead to forms of anxiety and depression are always explained by pathological reasons. Research recently conducted by Ann Graybiel, a lecturer at MIT in Cambridge, published in the scientific journal Neuron, examined the neurological basis of pessimism, thus opening new avenues towards the treatment of anxiety and human depression. Regardless of this, however, negative thinking is very often a habit that many of us do not realize. The propensity to complain, to negativity, to the belief that everything will go wrong and that nothing will go the right way, is an attitude that is very often acquired in the family, where one gets used to this type of thinking. For an individual born in a family context of this type it will be really very difficult, if not almost always impossible, to make a change aimed at realizing that this methodology is not only completely wrong and false, but it is above all harmful to one's life and that of others. Growing up in contact with people convinced that one's existence is always and only a continuous and desperate struggle towards an inauspicious destiny, means seeing frustrated any expectation of personal success, of possible change and above all of improvement of one's social condition ...

(continue on the italian ebook Sempreunagioia - Tips to live better by Sergio Cosentino & Cinzia Scarpa. Available by clicking the link below)

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One of the greatest riches we have in life is self-confidence. Sometimes, however, in the most fragile or delicate people, it is severely tested by limiting labels attributed by the people around us.

If we dispassionately trust the opinions of others without relying on our beliefs, we could run the risk of thinking that we are fantastic one day and the next of the perfect incompetents and our mood could suffer spikes or collapses, becoming unstable in any case.

Unfortunately, this situation in fragile people translates into sudden changes in attitude aimed at obtaining the approval of others.

Instead, we must remember our immense, unique and special value that sets us apart from everyone else. Each of us has it, only we forget about it.

We must recover the enthusiasm that must become the watchword in our life and whose meaning, "God is with you" reminds each of us that in the end, our true essence is divine, therefore indefinable and consequently magical...

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Positive and Negative Energy - Difference between Sempreunagioia and Not Sempreunagioia People

Sometimes it can happen that any community can be made up entirely of NOT Sempreunagioia people. It could be any work environment, any apartment building, a group of friends or even an entire country. Usually the life lived within a community of this kind does not take place in an idyllic atmosphere made of tranquility, optimism, serenity, collaboration, continuous search for beauty and the new, but rather in a bad climate of pessimism, resignation, selfishness, conflict and habit of ugliness and the status quo. Even if in an environment of this type there are some "healthy" subjects who could contribute to improving the situation, they, not possessing a force that is disruptive or that self-esteem typical of Sempreunagioia people, are unable to impose themselves on others and are therefore forced to suffer the oppression and negativity of NOT Sempreunagioia people. If in an environment of this type a Sempreunagioia person arrives, everyone will begin to fidget and the negative subjects will soon enter a state of permanent agitation, frightened by the presence of those who show that they want to try to change their old consolidated habits. Their fear is not only aroused by the idea that something new and very different has suddenly come to undermine their certainties, but also by the fact that they have the practical demonstration that change is possible. This in fact confronts them with their own limits, making it absolutely unacceptable. A Sempreunagioia person is by definition positive, optimistic, full of desire to do and always able to improve his own life and that of others...

(continue on the italian ebook Sempreunagioia - Tips to live better by Sergio Cosentino & Cinzia Scarpa. Available by clicking the link below)

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It is easy to use the word Respect. People insert it into their daily conversations, pontificating about how necessary it is for this feeling to be part of their lives, spreading out a whole series of rules that they apply daily to be able to grab it.

The truth, on the other hand, is only one: either it exists or it does not exist. It is a profound feeling that not everyone is able to feel not out of malice, but simply because they don't know what it is. They are used from an early age to be the center of attention, to obtain it without needing to give it, so they always talk about it, demanding it from others without knowing how to grant it.

Respect is a precious feeling, we should always apply it and give it to anyone around us. We should remember that, as the famous saying “every brain, a world” goes, each of us has one, different from all the others, which pushes him to do what he deems right for himself. We should think that all the people we meet daily are all different from each other and therefore represent a universe full of new things to discover. In addition to people, we must also respect animals, one different from the other, and who with their behavior often teach us about life. How much wealth that exists in the world, how much wealth we have at our disposal! ...

(continue on the italian ebook Sempreunagioia - Tips to live better by Sergio Cosentino & Cinzia Scarpa. Available by clicking the link below)

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We can all perform the Miracle - It only depends on Us

As we have said, one of our favorite authors is undoubtedly Wayne W. Dyer, an American psychotherapist, one of the most widely read writers in the field of self-help, author of Best Seller including "Your erroneous areas" and "How work miracles in everyday life ”, in fact.

In all his books Dyer reminds us how our happiness depends only on ourselves and how, instead of wasting our energy crying on ourselves, tormented by negative thoughts, we should understand that our true and only strength lies within us. We should learn to use it, starting with the thoughts that are the premise of our actions. Thoughts of which we, and only we, are the only creators. We can always decide whether they have to be positive or negative to then shape the resulting actions. In fact, it is our thoughts and our actions that always generate that negative or positive energy that will always come back to us, making our life happy or unhappy.

Dyer is credible, very credible, because he grew up in an orphanage. It is therefore a subject born of parents with problematic personalities, raised in a disadvantaged condition, all factors which, according to the studies and knowledge of psychiatry, determine the onset of some of those childhood traumas capable of marking the entire life of a person. Wyne, not only has he managed not to remain a slave to his fears, his anxieties, his hunger for love, but he has contributed with his books, his television broadcasts and his lectures, to help millions of people around the world. world by getting them to follow his example ...

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Calm - A precious friend who educates us to live

We are all used to living in a hurry, always attentive to the perpetual flow of time marked by the hands on our watch, now a fundamental object, from which we just cannot separate ourselves in our daily life.

We are convinced that life is better if full of hectic commitments, thanks to which we are used to measuring our personal worth, bragging to anyone we meet on our way.

If we are asked about how it is possible to be as smart as we are, so organized, efficient and perfect, then we reach the peak of our satisfaction.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to admit, we have not fully understood the value of our life, we have not understood how to enjoy it while continuing to carry out the various tasks that it presents to us, we have not understood the importance of taking actions calmly.

It seems a paradox to live with Calm in the undoubtedly fast-paced modern world, but it is not.

We must learn to welcome it in our soul and cultivate it daily because only in this way will we be able to successfully achieve the set goals.

We must learn to think about one thing at a time and put it into practice with concrete actions, rather than thinking a thousand without then realizing even one ...

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Love need - A wrong love

Why do millions of people marry, live together, bring children into the world or in any case live relationships that are said to be of love and after a certain period their relationship changes completely? Why do passion, mutual respect, confidence, happiness very often give way to boredom, sadness, betrayal? Maybe because love, passion and respect are temporary feelings? Or maybe because this multitude of people simply made a mistake in choosing their partner? No. The answer is one and only one: what these people felt was not simply Love.

Every individual who comes into the world needs to be loved. Even animals do not escape this law of nature, thus showing us how this instinct is primordial also for our race. Each being is conceived and introduced to life by another which it needs for a more or less long period of its existence. Someone falls in love with this, but it is not true Love, it is Love / Need ...

(continue on the italian ebook Sempreunagioia - Tips to live better by Sergio Cosentino & Cinzia Scarpa. Available by clicking the link below)

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The 5 Wounds and Psychological Masks - You can heal them!

How many times have we kept away from new situations because we considered them dangerous only because they were unknown? How many times have we kept people away just because they were different from us? We have kept ourselves safe, behind protective walls that we have carefully built over time, to defend ourselves from what we believed to be dangers. In fact, we have worn and continue to wear Masks, which in Psychology are defense mechanisms that are activated due to a pain that we had to face as children and which caused a wound that our inner child reminds us promptly. occurrence, in any situation.

Based on the type of wound that one possesses in the depths, different personalities develop which can be summarized in five types.

Of course we are not talking about obvious wounds on the body, but those of the soul, of our unconscious, unknowingly caused by the people who are close to us and most dear to us, victims in turn of this mechanism ...

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The Slow Suicide of the Unloved - The trauma of the unloved

In his book “The Wound of the Unloved” Peter Schellenbaum tells us about the studies on his patients, subjects who still until old age were unable to heal the wounds caused by their parents' Non-Love. According to Jungian and Freudian theories, in fact, the damage caused by the lack of love in childhood, by one or both parents, leaves an indelible mark on the personality of an individual who, despite the efforts made in the course of his life, will always struggle to fill that void of love. He will strive to do so through all the people he will find on his path, unable to fill it autonomously. An Unloved One, in fact, cannot love himself, having grown up in the belief that he does not deserve that love that his parents have denied him. Throughout the work of Wayne W. Dyer, but in particular in his book "No Excuses", however, he explains to us how even such deep wounds can be healed by learning to work on oneself. And if he who grew up in an orphanage did it, we can believe it.

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If you don't find happiness ...

An Article by Sergio Cosentino

We aspire to Freedom - A Gift we already possess

How many of us can claim to be truly free?

Freedom is a wonderful word, we can almost see it written in large letters, in front of us, always present in our minds. But how many of us can really claim to be free? In my opinion very few. We adults are always conditioned by the commitments we have contracted under the illusion of being free.

To have a magnificent example of Freedom we must observe children who have a mind free from problems. They are always busy living in the present, experiencing and learning from everything they find in their path. They have fun with little, focusing on one action at a time, the one they are doing at that precise moment. They burst out laughing at whatever funny unexpected happen to them, enjoying everything they have. Children play and learn to live by playing. Their minds are devoid of evil, they are innocent and as such they speak without filters, convinced that the truth must always be expressed, so if they want to do or say something they do it and say it without problems ...

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How hard to live with Anxiety - That state of mind that conditions us

There is a state of mind that we all know and, some more or less, we experience every day of our life: it is Anxiety. For some it is a real condition of life, a companion who shares our whole day or who makes herself felt specifically in particular conditions and moments of our existence. Anxiety is not linked in particular to our social condition or influenced by the lifestyle we lead, but is rather conditioned by our eventual calm and inner serenity. In fact, there are great Managers, burdened with very pressing professional commitments and great responsibilities, who nevertheless live a quiet life not polluted by states of profound anxiety and instead housewives or retirees who, although not experiencing particular social conditions attributable to Anxiety, constantly feel it and heavily the influence. In fact, anxiety is not a state of mind connected to the events of our life, but rather a thought that our mind processes in relation to an event that has yet to happen, classifying it as "highly at risk of bad success".

In fact, anxiety itself is not an abnormal phenomenon, as it is a basic emotion that activates the body when a situation is perceived as dangerous and that allows us to activate defensive behaviors ...

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Live a Horizontal or Vertical life - The choice is ours

How reassuring are our habits? We wake up in the morning, have breakfast, brush our teeth, get dressed, go to the office, shop, go home, do housework, cook, have dinner, watch television, and then go to sleep. Usually we can generally predict what will happen in our days and this makes us feel safe, safe against any unforeseen events. We do not take risks because we consider it dangerous, while instead we see ourselves as very reasonable and efficient people. We are busy with our commitments and once we have all fulfilled, we feel satisfied, because we have very often exhausted the list of "things to do" that we diligently write every night to make sure that nothing is forgotten.

All this makes us feel strong, good, not criticizable. We do not realize instead that we are most likely leading a "horizontal life" in which the lack of confidence we have in ourselves does not allow us to fully live all the magnificent experiences that we could instead ...

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Knowing How To Make Sacrifices - A Way to Happiness

All of us will have happened to know some "spoiled" person. These are those people who from an early age have been used to getting everything they want, without craving it, without waiting for it, sometimes without even asking for it. Entire generations have been impregnated by this bad habit, raised by parents who declared "My child must have everything that I did not have ..." or by parents who, having benefited from this treatment in adolescence and considering it normal, apply it later towards their children. To be spoiled can be various categories of people, children in fact, but also parents, siblings and relatives all, friends and even work colleagues. Pampering someone means taking care of him excessively, showering him with attention, helping him to the point that he stops taking care of himself because he is now used to having someone else doing it for him. The life of a spoiled person can appear pleasant, if externally evaluated in a superficial way, but in reality it can become a real condemnation to an unhappy life for the subjects who benefit from it, but also for those who dispense these "vices" ...

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Time and Mind - Depend on us

Time ... if we look at its definition in the dictionary we find "The continuous flow of successive instants that is the background to the evolution of things and people and the succession of human and material events" or "Time is the dimension in which we conceive and the passing of events is measured. It induces the distinction between past, present and future "

"I have to hurry because I'm late .."; "I must better use my Time in ..."; "I can't waste time on these things ..."; "I still have time to ...". How often are we surprised to formulate these thoughts?

We imagine Time is like a ribbon that unravels from our past to our future, which is always in constant motion, perhaps because we impose rules on ourselves in its name.

In fact, physicists claim that Time does not pass, it simply is. They have shown that the experience of Time is created by our mind: it is we who impose on us the sensation of the flow of time which is nothing more than the workings of our brain cells in function. In fact, our brain measures Time, but sometimes it also happens that it makes mistakes ...

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Absolutist People - Perennial enemies of themselves

How many of us will have met "Absolutist" people among friends, relatives and acquaintances. These are people who are perpetually angry with everything and everyone and constantly looking for an enemy. The Absolutists are those people who always have a recipe ready for everything and for everyone and usually it is always a negative and categorical recipe: the death penalty, hatred, ridicule, exile, violence, racism , expulsion, closure, dismissal. Absolutist people are never led to understanding, dialogue, forgiveness or all those forms of interaction with others that do not have their way of seeing life and their drastic solutions to problems as the only solution. Very often indeed, the Absolutists prefer to talk about the problem and not the solution, because this is much easier, especially in helping them to involve more all those who can identify with their fears, their anxieties and their peremptory decisions.

In recent years all over the world, many Absolutists have conquered power in politics, as government parties but much more often as opposition forces, a condition much more suited to their characteristics linked to those behaviors of constant criticism and condemnation of everything that it is made by others. In fact, as we have said, it is much easier to deal with condemning everything that is done by others, rather than trying to achieve something useful and positive for oneself and for others ...

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The Comparison - A splendid opportunity for growth

We live in a society in which comparing one's work with that of the other people around us has become a “modus vivendi”, a practice carried out more or less consciously and which we often place at the basis of our life. We compare everything from clothing, to the house we live in (owned or rented), from the car to the workplace we occupy. We continue to carry out this activity convinced that we are right, because we, from the top of our judgment, feel perfect and unassailable. We are so used to implementing this practice, that we do not realize how much real life time we are losing while, conscientious, we give free rein to our innermost negative thoughts. This attitude makes us feel strong and at the center of attention and, while we assume it, we do not notice how much damage it causes us. Mind you ... I'm not talking about the healthy confrontation between two people who, wanting to share their experiences, do so in dialogue, listening and respect. This is precisely a healthy comparison that leads individuals to know themselves better, to know different angles and points of view; what leads you to grow. Here we are talking about the unhealthy confrontation, the one that leads you to be sad, angry, frustrated, the one that causes you to see everything black because the false goal, very often fantasized, is impossible to achieve because it is only a utopia ...

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The War between Good and Evil - As old as the world

The war between Good and Evil is as old as the world; In the Holy Scriptures, in the history books, in the testimonies, in peasant legends or in popular sayings, wherever the history of humanity is spoken of, there are references to the dispute between Good and Evil. From an early age, through fairy tales, we all learn to understand how the world is divided between good and bad, between people who seek and practice good for themselves and for others and people who, on the contrary, pursue the will to always and only harm to others, to the world and unconsciously to themselves. It is not easy to understand how these quite complicated psychological mechanisms lead a person to live in anger, resentment, envy and jealousy and to always behave badly towards others and the world in general, but we can try. We are all born with a similar brain, more or less gifted, but certainly with an equal capacity to adapt to the world around us, being all of us members of the human race and above all the result of a perfect system like that of the universe, but then something happens, something that sometimes changes us. Very often reached the age of reason, our DNA, developed in the environment that our family has created for us, molds us and almost always in the image and likeness of our parents, of one of them or in any case of some other relative more or less next. In fact, it is not difficult to find in the behavior of many subjects the same behaviors of one's parents or closest relatives. We have often met people who are deeply anxious, complicated, with serious difficulties in relating to others and prone to conflict, with whom it is very difficult to maintain a relationship of friendship or kinship and we then discovered, once we have known the family of origin, that all those behaviors exactly matched those of some more or less close relative. But then is wickedness a kind of trademark that those who have had the misfortune of being born in such a family are forced to carry as a cross for life? ...

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The Difficulties: choices made by us

An Article by Cinzia Scarpa

Absolutist people, perennial enemies of themselves

An Article by Sergio Cosentino

Let's not set Limits - They don't exist

An Article by Cinzia Scarpa

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